Download the materials
Place the mask in C/program files/Jasc software inc/PSP9/masks
Step 1
Open the flower picture
that's in the zipfile.
Foreground color = #2a5687
Image - Add borders - 4 pixels symmetric in the foreground color
(click right in this screen on the color to change the color)
Background color = #875554
Image - Add borders - Do NOT check Symmetric!! in the background
Size in pixels: Top = 90/ Left = 140/ Right = 22/ Bottom = 18
Step 2
Change your background
color into #dacaa2
Draw a rectangle selection with your selection tool on the
inside of the blue borders around the flowerpicture.
Layers - New raster layer.
Flood fill the selection with the background color.
Effects - Image effects - Seamless Tiling.
Tiling Method = Corner
Direction = Vertical
Vertical offset and Transition both on 0
Hit the Delete button on your keybord.
Selections - select none
Step 3
Layers - New raster layer.
Flood fill with the background color #dacaa2
Layers - Load/ Save mask - Load from disk
Choose the mask with the name: JD Mask30.
Create mask from: Source luminance
Orientation: Fit to canvas
Don't check Invert transparency
Layers - Merge - Merge group
Select your Eraser.
Shape = square / Size = 15
Erase the lines IN the flower picture. (not the borders of the
You can click with your eraser on the left side of the line,
then press your shift while you click the eraser on the right
Everything between these two click will be gone on that layer.
Step 4
Effects - 3D effects -
Vertical 4----Horizontal minus 4
Opacity 100-----Blur 0
Shadow color = Foreground color #2a5687
Fill interior with Background color #dacaa2
Merge all layers.
Select your Preset Shape Tool and choose the Symmetric Shape.
Mode = star, create on vector
Number of sides = 5 and radius = 38
Draw a star in the area between the flower of the mask and the
flower picture.
If you look at your layer palette, you will see this is a vector
Click in the palette with your right mouse button and select
Convert to raster layer.
Click again and select duplicate. Do this twice.
It still looks like one star, but there are 3 now.
Move two stars upwards.
By clicking on the eye behind the layer, you can see on witch
layer the star is.
Select the bottom star with your magic wand tool and flood fill
with the blue color.
Do the same with the upper star.
Selections - Select none
Layers - merge all layers.
Step 5
Select a nice font. I used
Berhard Fashion BT, size 36
Change your background color in a nice pattern or color from the
flower picture. I've used a goldpattern.
Type your name and move it to his place.
Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow (1-1-65-1)
Select none.
It's finished, all you
have to do is save your creation as a JPG
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and let me know in my